Short Attention Span

Because I like to start things but not finish them. I have knitter's ADD. You will see knitted items in progress. Finished knits are another story. You may see them, or they may go in the closet in a fit of rage...

OMG it's a FO!

I finished my dad's socks. Who says I never finish anything. I can't wait to give them to him. Now, if only I could get my other projects done.

Project: Dad's Socks

Pattern: Standard K2, P2 ribbing I used Sensational Knitted Socks for the pattern.

Yarn: Cherry Tree Hill Superwash Merino Colorway: Moody Blues

Needles: Addi Turbo Size 2 40" Circular (Magic Loop Technique)

It's so cold!!

It's 30 Degrees outside, and I know to some people that's not that cold. But after living in California for years (I live near Reno, NV now), I just can't get used to this cold. The low tonight is going to be 14. The only thing I feel like doing is huddling under a blankie with my kitties and my knitting. I'm working on a scarf on size 9 needles and bulky yarn, hoping I can finish it soon because I want something to wrap around my face when I go outside. Man, I sound pathetic. I just hate the cold. Thank God for knitting to help me make stuff to stay warm or I'd not only be bored all the time, but I'd be even colder! I started a "new" job today. I say "new" because I'm not really new there. I'm a rehire. I worked there 3 years ago and had to leave unexpectedly. I'm glad to be back to this job because it's something that I love doing. I draw blood for a living. I'm a Phlebotomist. So at work I play with needles and at home I play with needles! You must think I'm out of my mind. ;P

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What I got for my birthday....

My birthday was last week, but I didn't have a blog then. So here is what my Mom and Dad got me. Enough Lorna's Laces to make 2 pairs of socks. The colorway on the right is Uptown and the one on the right is Mountain Creek. I know they look similar, but the Mountain Creek has some beautiful forest green mixed in with the pink and blue. I love this yarn and I can't wait to start something with it. Of course I am trying my best not to, because I have to finish the guilt socks (aka my dad's socks). Every time I see him he asks where his socks are and why aren't they done yet. Sigh. They'll be done soon dad. I have 2 kitties and I got a great pic of them laying together today, so I just had to post it. Neela is the big white cat, and Ninja is my black kitten we got 6 months ago. He's such a love. He snuggles with me all the time. I love my kitties!!!

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My obligatory Jaywalker

Ever since I saw the Jaywalker pattern, I felt like I HAD to make a pair. So, I got out the opal I was having trouble doing anything with, and started. I am so in love with this pattern!!! I am not a very good digital photographer so you'll have to excuse the crappiness of the picture. These are strictly for me, I don't care what anyone says. It seems every time I start a new pair of socks, people (friends and family) claim it for themselves. What is up with that? ;) I told my family at thanksgiving that I'm not a sweatshop laborer, this is my HOBBY!!! If I finish something for you, lucky you! Dad is going to get lucky if I finish his socks. The blue ones are his. It's luxurious yarn too! Cherry Tree Hill Supersock in moody blues. I got it for a steal on a trip to Albuquerque. Village Wools is a great store if you are ever in New Mexico, you really should go there. I don't know if I'll ever go back to Albuquerque, but if I do, I'm going to that store again!

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Home: Reno, Nevada, United States

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