Short Attention Span

Because I like to start things but not finish them. I have knitter's ADD. You will see knitted items in progress. Finished knits are another story. You may see them, or they may go in the closet in a fit of rage...

Stitches West

It's taken me a while to get my hands off the yarn that I bought at stitches west so I could post something. I took the train down from Sacramento to Santa Clara. I live in Reno and I was lucky enough to hitch a ride with Mary and Amy who were taking the train as well. Getting to Sacramento was easy. The train ride down was so relaxing. I sat at a table with a couple that came down from Seattle to ride the train and attend Stitches. I had a lot in common with them and had a great time fondling the scarf that she was working on. I can't remember the yarn she was using, but it was super pretty. Thank goodness I can save things like that on Ravelry. My first stop at stitches was the Ravelry booth where I told Casey and Jess that I was not worthy. I told them I spend like 4 hours a day on the site and they said, "That's all?" I instantly felt better about my ravelry addiction. I bought a button from them and picked up a passport for the game they had going. It took me about an hour and a half, maybe 2 hours to finish getting all the stamps. I turned it in and then went outside to breathe before I made my first purchase. It really was sensory overload. I went back in and headed straight for the Blue Moon Fiber Arts booth. I had to wait in line to see the yarn. There were people everywhere in this booth. I was surrounded! I grabbed 2 skeins of Socks that Rock, one in lightweight and one in mediumweight. I walked around for 2 or 3 hours and couldn't decide on anything else to buy except for a book that I had my eye on. Knitting Lingerie Style by Joan McGowan-Michael, the owner of White Lies designs. I went by her booth in the beginning and I really wanted her book after looking at it and deciding that there were patterns in there that I HAD TO MAKE. I was also happy that she was willing to sign my book for me. Here are the pictures of my bounty. The other things you see in the picture are what I got in my goody bag from the train.

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Name: Carolynn
Home: Reno, Nevada, United States

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