Short Attention Span

Because I like to start things but not finish them. I have knitter's ADD. You will see knitted items in progress. Finished knits are another story. You may see them, or they may go in the closet in a fit of rage...

Oh well...

3 Weeks. It was a nice little run. But since I get stressed out to easy, they said I shouldn't make the stress worse. Having bipolar disorder and a stomach condition don't mix. I'm getting really tired of it too. I need to work because we need the money, at the same time working makes me sick. I can't get disability because I'm not sick enough. I'd like to start my own business or something, but i've done that before and it's very very difficult. I'm impressed with any small business owner. It's a ton of work. And if I started my own business again, I have no idea what I would do. I need a job and there aren't many. I hope the economy turns around.


I am an official YARN STORE EMPLOYEE!!! I work at Jimmy Beans Wool! I am so excited. It's such a dream job. I'm surrounded by beautiful yarns and wonderful people all day long. It is kind of hard though. I want everything I see in there! Someone asked me if I was the owner of the store and I said, "If it was my store, all the yarn would be mine, it wouldn't be for sale!!" :)

I haven't really been blogging lately as I am lazy forget to take the time to do it. I've been on Ravelry so much that I just didn't feel the need. But now that I'm a yarn store employee, I imagine that I'll be knitting and posting a lot more. Here's a picture of my latest finished object. These are Zombie Socks that I did for the Ravelympics. I'm so proud of myself. I didn't believe I could finish a pair of socks in 17 days without getting distracted and starting something else. But I was faithful to this project and finished! The details of the project are:
Yarn- Colinette Jitterbug
Colorway- Florentina
Purchased at Jimmy Beans of course!
Needles- Addi Turbo size 2 magic loop technique
Made for- Me originally, but my Mom in law wanted them really bad, so I gave them to her.

Well that's all for now. I will post again soon.

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Home: Reno, Nevada, United States

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